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 Bircham International University

Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online.

Distance Learning University for Adults & Professionals.




The best Distance Learning University alternative to campus-based higher education.
Top 10 Ranking! More info...


Distance degree programs Bircham International University


Mission Statement:


Bircham International University (BIU) is committed to fulfill the needs of the adult professional students who choose not to attend a traditional on-campus university.

BIU offers Distance degree programs of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate (Ph.D.), as well as Continuing Education and professional diplomas. BIU is a non profit institution of Distance Learning Higher Education. More info...


Bachelor's Degree Online via distance learning - More info...
130 Academic credits
Tuition Fee :Min. 3.510 Euros (4.420 US$) ... Max. 6.800 Euros (8.700 US$).

Master's Degree Online via distance learning - More info...
36 ... 54 Academic credits
Tuition Fee :Min. 4.680 Euros (6.120 US$) ... Max. 7.020 Euros (9.180 US$).

Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online via distance learning - More info...
45 ... 72 Academic credits
Tuition Fee :Min. 5.850 Euros (7.650 US$) ... Max. 9.360 Euros (12.240 US$).


Specialist - Expert Diploma Online via distance learning - More info...

Specialist -Diploma Online via distance learning
15 Academic credits
Tuition Fee :1.050 Euros (1.350 US$).

Expert -Diploma Online via distance learning
21 Academic credits
Tuition Fee :1.470 Euros (1.890 US$).


Continuing Education - More info...
COURSE FEES & MATERIALS: 500 Euros (700 US$)


BIU degree programs are not accredited by the US CHEA. Non formal and independent education, leading to degrees exempt from formal recognition by a Ministry of Education. More info...


Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. More info...


The Future of Education


A distance learning university is the perfect solution for many people.

Are you one of them? More info...



Bircham International University offers distance degree programs with unique conditions.


More than 270 majors of study!

The wide range of disciplines covered in this Distance Learning University curricula guarantees our students a highly competitive academic and professional profile. Bircham International University adult degree programs are designed to meet the students' career objectives as well as employers' qualification demands. More info...


Credit for prior learning and experience!

Students learn what they need to learn and not what they already know. This fundamental premise allows the students enrolled at BIU's distance learning higher education programs to save time, energy, and money. Our Adult Degree Programs are therefore, practical, motivating, and continuously updated. More info...


Full compatibility with your life and work!

Students receive the complete distance learning degree program curriculum when they enroll at Bircham International University. This allows them to organize their time accordingly, and does not interfere with their work or personal life. More info...


Effective distance learning higher education!

Both, the adult degree program requirements and the exams may be conducted from home, or from anywhere. BIU’s Distance Learning Higher Education methodology is based on the latest developments in psychology and pedagogy. It does not involve memorization, but rather emphasizes the students’ critical thinking and comprehension abilities. More info...


Affordable Tuition!

A Distance Learning University is more cost efficient, and therefore, the BIU tuition is highly affordable. Students will save up many times what they might spend if pursuing the same adult degree program from a traditional university. More info...


An investment in education always pays the best interest.

Payment plans up to 24 installments.

What else you need?


The Distance Learning for adults is taking the direction that Bircham International University has been pioneering. More info...


How to study at BIU



What is important is what you know, and not how much you should study, or how you have acquired that knowledge. A distance learning university should make things easy and not create obstacles.

Feel like trying? More info...



Bircham International University


Distance Learning for Adults & Professionals

The Distance Learning for adults is taking the direction that Bircham International University has been pioneering. A distance learning university is neither for everybody nor for all purposes. More info...


Distance Learning Higher Education

Bircham International University has developed an innovative method of Distance Learning Higher Education adapted to the needs of adult professionals from all over the world. More info...


Distance Learning University

The best Distance Learning University alternative to campus-based higher education. More info...


Adult Degree Programs

Nowadays, distance learning Adult Degree Programs are highly valued at the workplace. More info...


Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...


Bircham International University


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Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review
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