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 BIU Degrees

Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals.

Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online.


Bircham International University


Bircham International University distance learning degree programs merge the best of the two leading higher education systems of the world: Europe and the United States of America.


Completing an adult degree program demonstrates an indisputable level of willpower, responsibility, motivation, and competence. These skills are highly appreciated at the workplace and explain why Human Resources executives esteem those employees completing distance learning degrees programs. More info...


Bircham International University (BIU) is committed to fulfill the needs of the adult professional students who choose not to attend a traditional on-campus university.

BIU offers distance degree programs of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate (Ph.D.), as well as continuing education and professional diplomas. BIU is a non profit institution of distance learning higher education. More info...


How to study at BIU



More than 270 majors of study!



Bircham International University offers distance degree programs with unique conditions.


Bachelor's Degree Online via distance learning


Bachelor's Degree - Arts & Humanities - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Business & Media - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Computer Science - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Engineering & Technology - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Life & Earth Sciences - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Natural Health Science - See List...
Bachelor's Degree - Psychology - See List...



Master's Degree Online via distance learning


Master's Degree - Arts & Humanities - See List...
Master's Degree - Business & Media - See List...
Master's Degree - Computer Science - See List...
Master's Degree - Engineering & Technology - See List...
Master's Degree - Life & Earth Sciences - See List...
Master's Degree - Natural Health Science - See List...
Master's Degree - Psychology - See List...



Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online via distance learning


Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Arts & Humanities - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Business & Media - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Computer Science - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Engineering & Technology - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Life & Earth Sciences - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Natural Health Science - See List...
Doctor Ph.D. Degree - Psychology - See List...



Specialist - Expert Diploma Online via distance learning


Specialist - Expert Diploma - Arts & Humanities - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Business & Media - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Computer Science - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Engineering & Technology - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Life & Earth Sciences - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Natural Health Science - See List...
Specialist - Expert Diploma - Psychology - See List...




Bircham International University ranking may be considered within the top ten according to the variety and amount of distance learning degree programs offered: Over 200 majors of study at Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. level, plus hundreds of continuing education courses. More info...


BIU Teaching or Learning?



Bircham International University is accredited, recognized, and is a member of several international bodies. It meets the quality standards of numerous educational organizations in various countries. More info...



How to study via distance learning at BIU?

Distance degree programs for Adults & Professionals


BIU distance learning for adults is highly flexible. You can study anywhere and anytime. There is no need to attend any examination center. Upon enrollment, and once the Academic Board at Bircham University decides on your distance learning study program, you will be assigned specific textbooks that will be mailed to you. Your duties are to comprehensively read these textbooks (wholly or partially) and write assigned reports. The number of textbooks and reports differ from student to another and are set during the admission evaluation process. Bircham International University offers a tutoring and guidance system, which are explained in the BIU distance learning study guide.

All the specialties (modules) that you may see on our web have a postgraduate level and can be applied to Specialist, Expert, Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate. How is this achieved? A Master's degree is obtained with a minimum of 7 subjects from the selected specialization, plus a final project. The diplomas of Expert and Specialist may be considered as “mini masters” that do not require a final project. These diplomas do, however, not confer the same academic recognition, and are therefore cheaper. BIU distance learning higher education postgraduate modules can also be used for doctorate programs and in support of the thesis; with some adaptation in the textbooks and distance learning outcomes, the modules may be also used to complete the last year of a Bachelor’s degree. BIU admission requirements and process ensures that learning outcomes are met at all distance learning degree program levels.

It is also possible to combine subjects from two different specialties (modules) within the same faculty, or to even enroll in independent courses (subjects). Please notice that any proposal on this matter should be submitted in writing with the application.

You are very welcome to let us know your proposal, and as long as the academic committee approves it we will do our best to conform your distance learning higher education degree program of study according to your needs.

These are some advantages of a real personalized distance learning higher education. More info...


Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...


Distance degree programs Bircham International University


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Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review
Graduates' Testimony, Opinion & Review
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