Continuing Education Courses
Course Online via distance learning
Continuing Education for Adults & Professionals
Course Online - Continuing Education
Bircham International University offers a great variety of distance learning continuing education courses in an attempt to provide practical companies' training and online continuing education in various specialization.
You may study any subject as an independent online continuing education course.
COURSE FEES & MATERIALS: 500 Euros (700 US$)
It does not matter if you are seeking online continuing education courses for self-enrichment and recreation, career advancement, or company training. In either case, Bircham International University online continuing education via distance learning offers a great variety of continuing education courses in all types of subjects ranging from management, business, communications, humanities, arts, psychology, natural health, therapies, computers, sciences, technology, engineering, among others.
Bircham International University online continuing education also applies a friendly and effective distance learning education pedagogical methodology that will allow you to study at your own pace, free of exams pressure, and earn the corresponding continuing education course credits and certificate.
Many companies and people are finding out, especially today, that the only way to gain professional efficacy and back up specialized skills is by having a competitive high education degree(s). Bircham International University online continuing education courses have proven to be ideal for company training and/or to fulfill certain requirements at work. The target population is formed by those individuals who are bound by demanding obligations and/or have little time and money to spare on continuing education. More info...
There are over one thousand online continuing education courses via distance learning prepared at Bircham University, so if you do not find the subject you are looking for, do not hesitate to ask.
How do I study a continuing education course?
The online continuing education course is offered completely by distance learning. You study from home. You do not need to attend any examination center. First, you need to select the course of your interest and then fill out and submit the application for enrollment, no charges involved. There are no admission fees for online continuing education courses via distance learning. Once you confirm your enrollment, Bircham University will provide you with the corresponding course textbook by post. The cost of the book is included in the course fee. You have to read this text and write a report according to the instructions provided. For more information about how to do the report or the Bircham University pedagogy; you should read the BIU study guide. This written report constitutes the course exam, so when you submit the written report after reading the assigned book, you will earn the online continuing education course credits and receive the corresponding course professional accredited certificate. If you do not get the minimum passing grade, you will be asked to repeat the report and you will receive the appropriate feedback to help you improve. Bircham University offers a tutoring and guidance system that is also explained in the study guide. More info...
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COURSE FEES & MATERIALS: 500 Euros (700 US$)
You may enroll from anywhere in the world and any time of the year.
The fees include: textbook, study guide, shipping, tutoring, evaluation, and accredited certificate.
Payment plans are available upon request from Bircham International University.
In order to enroll in this continuing education course, you need to download, fill out, and submit the Bircham International University application for admission. You only need to fill out page one of this application. You do not need to attach any of the additional documents required for higher degrees. Actual enrollment is not confirmed until the course fees are paid (or at least part of the fees in case a payment plan is authorized). To make this payment, you may either download and submit our Generic Payment Form or use Paypal if you prefer. Bircham International University offices will issue a receipt as soon as your payment is received, and will send you all the documents stating your formal enrollment in this course.
This course fees may be refunded within the first 30 days after delivery of the course textbook. A 100 Euros administrative fee will be discounted from the refund. The book cost (with shipping) will also be discounted from the refund in the case the book was already shipped. No refunds are granted 30 days after the course starts. Enrollment into this course will be automatically canceled if the required report has not been submitted and approved within a year from the course start. You have a maximum of one year to complete a course.
After successful completion of the continuing education course required report, you will get a Professional Certificate issued by Bircham International University with 7 CEU's Continuing Education Units that are equivalent to 5 semester credits. You will also get a 9 ECTS Credits certificate issued by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission. More info...
COURSE FEES & MATERIALS: 500 Euros (700 US$)

Business Courses
The online continuing education courses of business are updated to cope with the recent challenges that might face a 21st century corporate manager.
The online continuing education courses of business update on new topics including technological quality and influence, integration, customer management, the business environment interactions, and models of management fitted to turmoil periods. The online continuing education courses of business cover the diagnosis of business opportunities for innovation and development, intervention activities, and implementation strategies. The online continuing education courses of business investigate subjects of planning and organization, finance, management, marketing, economics, and national and international markets; allowing students to gain a broad perspective on the business world. In addition, other topics are explored namely major sectors of economic relevance such as tourism, urban and real estate development, and others.
22 Business Courses Online via distance learning
33 Finance Courses Online via distance learning
42 Environment Courses Online via distance learning
35 Management Courses Online via distance learning
26 Marketing Courses Online via distance learning
35 Tourism Courses Online via distance learning
37 Urbanism Courses Online via distance learning
Technology Courses
The online continuing education courses of technology contribute to excellence and quality in research and development.
The online continuing education courses of technology contribute to the development of professionals working in an era of rapid technological change; where opportunities are found in widely diverse sectors. Nowadays, technology is applied to analyze, design, and optimize large industrial systems, agricultural production, energy systems, and many others. The online continuing education courses of technology also discuss the principles and key technologies of computer science, computers, electronics, in addition to the latest hardware, circuits, and microelectronics, as well as networks and systems and their applications. The online continuing education courses of technology contribute to excellence and quality in research and development; the crucial elements needed to improve the products and services and eventually the success of any company.
32 Computer Science Courses Online via distance learning
32 Networks Courses Online via distance learning
29 Energy Courses Online via distance learning
33 Engineering Courses Online via distance learning
28 Quality Courses Online via distance learning
54 Pure Science Courses Online via distance learning
44 Agriculture Courses Online via distance learning
Health Courses
The online continuing education courses of health use a multidisciplinary approach to explore the areas of physical and psychological health.
The online continuing education courses of health cover topics ranging from public health to various therapies. These courses focus on natural medicine, nutrition, psychology, and welfare and cover the basic biological and scientific bases needed to understand other closely related disciplines such as psychology. The online continuing education courses of health explain the importance of adopting a vital and healthy lifestyle. Many therapies within natural health and psychology, not recognized by traditional universities, are rigorously taught at Bircham International University (BIU). The conditions for practicing therapy, professional health, psychology, or in other related specialty, vary widely depending on the country. The online continuing education courses of health at BIU give additional value to the profession of a therapist/health or psychology professional, and do not exempt him/her from complying with existing legislation for its practice.
41 Biology Courses Online via distance learning
33 Natural Health Courses Online via distance learning
26 Nutrition Courses Online via distance learning
47 Psychology Courses Online via distance learning
41 Therapies Courses Online via distance learning
35 Wellness Courses Online via distance learning
26 Public Health Courses Online via distance learning
Humanities Courses
The online continuing education courses of humanities highlight the importance and the values of analyzing human beings from a perspective that integrates history, philosophy, and art.
By examining the world’s history, politics, religion, philosophy, and art; students will gain an understanding of how perspectives affect each other. Art is perceived as the expression of the historical events and ideas of a given period. History is observed as the confrontation and evolution of ideas, societies, and politics. Studying a particular era results from the analyses of past philosophical failures. The online continuing education courses of humanities suggest an innovative way of dealing with the major crises of our century: globalization, environmental degradation, social classes’ disparities, and cultural clash.
30 Art Courses Online via distance learning
49 Culture Courses Online via distance learning
38 Education Courses Online via distance learning
29 International Relations Courses Online via distance learning
26 Communication and Media Courses Online via distance learning
25 Philosophy Courses Online via distance learning
38 Social Science Courses Online via distance learning

Business Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of business provide the knowledge essential to succeed in contemporary positions of enterprises’ entrepreneurs and directors.
These online continuing education courses of business offer all the tools necessary to design and develop business opportunities, transform existing businesses, and create novelties. The online continuing education courses of business consider all important aspects of conceiving, launching, developing, and expanding (both at the national and international levels) business opportunities. These courses teach an entrepreneur’s perspective of planning, marketing, financing, and controlling a company. Also, they explore other topics of interest such as law and human resources management. The online continuing education courses of business also study the principles and techniques of analyzing business projects and investment alternatives.
Business Courses:
Business Administration & Management - Business Communications - Business Consulting - Business Entrepreneurship Plan - Business Finance - Business in Developing Nations - Business in Industrial Countries - Business in Less Developed Countries - Business Law - Business Marketing - E-Commerce Solutions - Entrepreneurship Leadership - Export & Import Operations - Family Business Management - Hinterland Transportation - Human Resources - International Business - International Distribution - International Trade - International Trade Operations - International Transport - Retailing & Channels of Distribution
Finance Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of finance are divided into two sections: Finance and economics.
The finance section presents the conceptual framework that unifies corporate finance and investment with financial institutions, and teaches how to increase a company’s revenues. The economic section integrates theory with the practical application of economic tools to analyze a variety of situations. The online continuing education courses of finance courses provide the tools, strategies, and tactics necessary to analyze and improve the financial outcomes of every operational corporate decision. These courses explore the vital issues of accounting and the logic that accountants use to interpret the effects of financial transactions on revenues, costs, and the financial situation of a company. Also, the online continuing education courses of finance overview the problems and controversies facing the financial and banking sectors of today. In addition, they discuss bank management and the evaluation of financial risks.
Finance Courses:
Accounting Management - Bank Management - Capital Markets - Cash Flow Management - Commercial Banking - Corporate Finance - Cost & Managerial Accounting - Creating & Managing Value - Cryptocurrency - Econometric Analysis - Econometrics - Economic Analysis - Economic Development - Finance & Economics - Financial Accounting & Analysis - Financial Markets & Institutions - Financial Performance Evaluation - Financial Services Management - Financial Strategic Planning - Governmental & Non Profit Accounting - Industrialized Countries Economy - International Finance & Taxation - Investment Strategies - Maritime & Port Economics - Mergers & Acquisitions - Micro & Macro Economics - Microfinance & Microcredits - Money & Banking - Options & Derivatives - Private Banking - Public Budgeting & Finance - Real Estate Finance - Risk Management & Insurance
Environment Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of environment are crucial for ensuring environmental, economic, and human welfare.
The online continuing education courses of environment provide the skills needed to mediate the impact environmental problems from both an efficient, ecological, and environmental health perspectives. The online continuing education courses of environment integrate social, political, and economic aspects with topics such as air quality control, sanitation, water distribution and treatment, resource management, and contaminant effects. Finally, the online continuing education courses of environment explore the problems arising from humans-nature- wildlife interactions. They emphasize the interrelationship between environmental deterioration as well as species extinction and conservation and provide an integrated approach to resolve conflicts in natural ecosystems.
Environment Courses:
Aquatic Toxicants - Architectural Environmental Integration - Cartography - Climate Change - Earth Science - Ecology - Ecology & Human Impact - Ecosystems - Environmental Health - Environmental Impact - Environmental Risks - Environmental Science - Environmental Toxicants - Fire & Arson Investigation - Fire Fighting Strategy - Fire Hydraulics - Fire Prevention - Fire Protection Systems - Fire Science - Firefighters & Fire Departments - Geomorphology - Geophysics & Plate Tectonics - Geotechnical Analysis - Habitat Conservation Planning - Hazardous Waste Management - Human Habitat - Mineral Deposits & Sedimentology - Natural Ecosystems Management - Natural Resource Economics - Occupational Toxicants - Oceanography - Pollutants & Pesticides - Pollution Chemistry - Pollution Management - Soil & Water Conservation - Solid Waste Management - Stratigraphy & Earth History - Toxicological Risk Assesment - Toxicology - Water & Air Quality - Water & Waste Sanitation - Wildlife Ecology Management
Management Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of management combine the theoretical and practical aspects of management and leadership, while providing a broad perspective on companies and their evolution.
The online continuing education courses of management prepare managers for integrating cutting-edge technologies (such as computers, software and computer networks) into companies’ working environments. Since companies are essentially formed by people, good management of human resources proves to be a source of efficiency, performance, and quality at all levels. The online continuing education courses of management pose practical and effective approaches to solving the problems of human resources.
Management Courses:
Advertising Agency Management - Coaching & Executive Leadership - Coaching Strategies - Crisis & Emergency Management - Crisis Recovery Center - Decision Making & Analysis - Employee Dispute Resolution - Employees Supervision - Employment Law - Employment Reward Strategies - Entrepreneurship Management - Environmental Management - Financial Management - Human Resources Management - International Business Management - Labor & Management Relations - Management Information Systems - Management Information Technology - Maritime Management - Multinational Management - Organizational Administration - Organizational Behavior - Organizational Communication - Organizational Intervention - Organizational Leadership - Organizational Transformation - Port Management - Process Improvement Management - Real Estate Management - Security Management - Shipping Management - Technological Management - Terminal Management - Travel Agency Management - Working in Complex Systems
Marketing Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of marketing also study commercial and sales strategies as well as optimal management of customer relations.
The online continuing education courses of marketing provide methods to analyze and overcome market competition, anticipate market trends, improve advertising and sales, promote customer loyalty, and take advantage of internet markets. In addition, these online continuing education courses of marketing present an updated look at new criteria of commercial negotiation, effective marketing strategies, and innovative approaches to better understand our customers, face-to-face marketing, etc. The online continuing education courses of marketing explore the use of advertising, public relations, integrated marketing communication, and new media to create and implement effective communication at local, regional, national, and global markets.
Marketing Courses:
Advertising & Public Relations - Advertising Campaigns - Advertising Media Management - Business Protocol & Etiquette - Communication Effectiveness - Consumer Behavior - Customer Relations Management - Database & Direct Marketing - Human Communication Theory - Interpersonal Communication - Market Research - Marketing & Communication - Marketing Planning - Mass Communications - Mass Media Planning - Measuring Customer Satisfaction - Online Marketing - Positioning Strategies - Product & Price Management - Promotional Strategies - Public Relations - Public Relations Campaigns - Public Speaking - Sales Force Management - Strategic Marketing Management - Written Business Communication
Tourism Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of tourism deal with the complexities of leisure and tourism.
The online continuing education courses of tourism deal with the complexities of leisure and tourism and address the different touristic segments, such as transport and accommodation, beverage and food, destinations, entertainment activities, and the economic, political, social, and environmental effects. These online continuing education courses of tourism also provide updated information on the techniques and procedures used by tour operators and travel agencies. The online continuing education courses of tourism explain restoration business, catering, hotel management, the promotion of hospitality, rural tourism, and the interrelationship between available resources, leisure, physical activity, natural environments, comfort, risk, and security.
Tourism Courses:
Airline & Transportation Systems - Bar & Beverage Management - Catering & Banquet Operations - Catering & Restaurant Management - Convention Management - Ecological Tourism - Food Production & Services - Front Office Procedures - Hospitality Sales & Marketing - Hotel Food & Beverage Service - Hotel Management - Hotel Security Management - Housekeeping & Facilities Management - Leisure & Recreation - Lodging & Hotel Operations - Menu Planning & Management - Outdoor Adventure Management - Outdoor Center Management - Outdoor Programming - Recreation Resources Management - Recreational Management - Restaurant Management - Special Events Management - Special Events Operations - Special Events Planning - Sustainable Tourism - Tourism & Commercial Recreation - Tourism & Leisure Industry - Tourism Group Dynamics - Tourism Law & Policy - Tourism Management - Tourism Promotion & Marketing - Tourism Risk Management - Travel & Tour Operations - Travel Agency Services
Urbanism Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of urbanism investigate the key issues of human settlements and urban development.
The online continuing education courses of urbanism investigate the key issues of human settlements and urban development; while emphasizing on the fundamentals of buying, selling, and owning real property. In addition, these online continuing education courses of urbanism overview the construction industry and the handling of both personal (architects, engineers, foremen, suppliers, workers, etc.) and resources (Money, machinery, material, etc.) necessary to complete a construction project. The online continuing education courses of urbanism also detail the main systems involved in designing a building and the interrelationship between each element and the rest. These courses highlight the basics of architectural designs as well as the design of outdoors and open spaces; from the basic use of a natural landscape to habitats and communities planning.
Urbanism Courses:
Architectural Structures - Building Acoustics & Illumination - Building Active Control Systems - Building Design - Building Technology - Commercial Spaces - Concrete Design & Construction - Construction Cost Analysis - Construction Firm Management - Construction Industry - Construction Law & Safety - Construction Management - Construction Materials & Assemblies - Foundation Engineering - Geographic Information Systems - Ground Mechanics - Ground Retaining Structures - HVAC System Design - Land Use Planning - Landscape Architecture - Landscape Art & Perception - Landscape Construction - Landscape Design - Landscape Planning - Planting & Recreational Design - Real Estate - Real Estate Law - Steel Design & Construction - Surveying - Sustainable Architecture - Urban Design Implementation - Urban Development - Urban Geospatial Analysis - Urban History & The City - Urban Plan Evaluation - Urban Planning - Valuation of Real Estate
Computer Science Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of computer science investigate the theoretical aspects of computer science.
The online continuing education courses of computer science investigate the theoretical aspects of computer science, how to operate computers, how these latter are built, how they communicate with each other and their human users, in addition to software development and software engineering principles. The online continuing education courses of computer science present the engineering principles underlying information technology, and its impact on all aspects of life, as well as the latest advances and the fundamentals of computer engineering. Finally, the online continuing education courses of computer science present a complete and coherent vision of the most promising aspects and techniques in the field of artificial intelligence. They explore the adaptation mechanisms that allow intelligent behavior of computers in altered environments, i.e. on Computational intelligence.
Computer Science Courses:
Analog Circuit Design - Artificial Intelligence - Artificially Embodied Intelligence - Computation & Data Structure - Computation Engineering - Computational Human Intelligence - Computational Intelligence - Computer & Human Interaction - Computer & Natural Language - Computer Architecture - Computer Interaction & Learning - Computer Science - Computer Systems Performance - Computer Technology - Computer Vision & Recognition - Digital Circuits Design - Digital Circuits Optimization - Electronics - Information Technology - Integrated Circuits - Intelligent Embedded Systems - Intelligent Robots - Microprocessors - Natural Intelligent Systems - Operating Systems - Programming Languages - Software & Hardware Management - Software Designing - Software Engineering - Software Project Management - Software Systems Integration - Software Testing & Quality
Networks Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of systems and networks explore the implementation of current Internet technologies and computer networks.
The online continuing education courses of systems and networks explore the implementation of current Internet technologies and computer networks, the elements making up telecommunication puzzles, and the type of good decisions that affect the interconnected systems of computers. The online continuing education courses of systems and networks also analyze the problems and needs of organization's database in order to determine how people, methods, and information technology should be integrated optimally. Finally, these courses consider the sale of products, goods, and services over the Internet, and all issues relevant to E-business and electronic commerce (E-commerce).
Networks Courses:
Antennas & Wireless Systems - Artificial Neural Networks - Computer Networks - Computer Systems - Cyberspace Law - Data Communications - Data Security & Cryptography - Data Structures - Database Management - Dynamic Systems Analysis - E-Commerce - Electronic Payments Systems - Internet Ethics & Legal Issues - Internet Technology - Local / Wide Area Networks - Network Software Design - Network Systems Management - Optical Fiber Communication - Photonic Communication Systems - Server & Distributed Systems - Signal Processing - Systems Analysis & Design - Systems Development Life Cycle - Systems Implementation - Telecommunication Engineering - Telecommunication Innovations - Telecommunication Networks - Telecommunication Systems - Telecommunication Technologies - Web & Database Integration - Web Administration & Security - Web Design & Programming
Energy Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of energy deal with energy efficiency and use.
The online continuing education courses of energy deal with topics such as energy efficiency; the consumption of energy services; energy facilities management; energy production plants engineering; environmental standards; the generation, transmission, distribution, measurement and use of electricity; and the application of alternative energy technologies, given that renewable energies constitute increasingly important sources of energy. The online continuing education courses of energy also study the exploration, production, transportation, refining, marketing, and distribution of crude oil and natural gas. They also present the engineering aspects of reserves design and drilling.
Energy Courses:
Alternative Energies - Biofuels & Bioenergy - Drilling Optimization - Electric Circuits & Systems - Electrical Engineering - Electricity & Magnetism - Energy Distribution Systems - Energy Engineering - Energy Pollution Control - Energy Process Engineering - Fuel Cells - Geothermal Energy - Natural & Synthetic Fossil Fuels - Nature of Light - Oil & Gas Properties - Oil Recovery Techniques - Petroleum & Gas Extraction - Petroleum & Gas Production - Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering - Petroleum Industry Management - Petroleum Refinery - Renewable Energies - Reservoir Engineering - Semiconductor Device Design - Solar Energy - The Petroleum Industry - Thermodynamics - Well Evaluation & Completions - Wind & Tidal Energy
Engineering Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of engineering contribute to the development of professionals working in the complex and competitive world of today.
The online continuing education courses of engineering contribute to the development of professionals working in the complex and competitive world of today. In this latter, engineers play a key role in the design, improvement, and operation of integrated systems of people, materials, equipment, and energy. The online continuing education courses of engineering present widely varying topics such as: chemical processes and their relation to the design and operation of industrial plants, the latest technology of mine, and/or the principles of engineering structures. The online continuing education courses of engineering also discuss the principles and engineering applications of electronics, mechanical engineering, hydraulic engineering, the main types of materials: metals, ceramics, and polymers, as well as their components, in an attempt to integrate all aspects of engineering projects: theory, analysis, design, and practice.
Engineering Courses:
Aeronautical Technology - Automotive Technology - Biochemical Engineering - Ceramic Processing - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Reaction Engineering - Civil Engineering - Electronics Engineering - Engineering Systems Simulation - Environmental Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering - Hydraulic Engineering - Hydraulics & Pneumatics - Industrial & Systems Engineering - Machine Elements - Maintenance Engineering Management - Materials Engineering - Materials Science - Mechanical Design - Mechanical Drafting - Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronic Design - Mechatronic Engineering - Mechatronics - Metal Processing - Microelectronic Engineering - Microprocessor-Based Design - Microwave Engineering - Military Engineering - Mining Engineering - Motion Planning, Sensing & Control - Structural Engineering - Wear of Materials & Corrosion
Quality Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of quality promote excellence and quality as crucial elements for the success of any company, which seek high-standards products and services.
The online continuing education courses of quality explore the principles of leadership, strategic planning, the concerns of customers and markets, information technology, human resources, process management, and business outcomes from an integrated and systemic perspective to achieve continuous improvement. The online continuing education courses of quality are considered a preparatory step for diverse topics such as: maintenance engineering, human-technical balance in the management of engineering projects, the performance of production operations and how they influence the competitiveness of enterprises, the complexity of logistics, technological and business aspects needed to improve planning, production, and engineering, the role of Robotics and automation, methodology and tools to plan strategic technological developments, manage key competencies, R & D (research and development), and safety and industrial health. All these topics are normally contained in every technological process, production, and/or engineering project.
Quality Courses:
Automation Management - Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Ergonomics - Evacuation & Risk Management - Feed Back Control System - Industrial Protection & Espionage - Innovation Management - Instrumentation - Logistics - Manufacturing Systems Integration - Occupational Safety & Health - Operations Management - Operations Planning & Control - Port Integrated Logistics - Process Technology - Production Strategy - Project Engineering Management - R&D Research & Development - Robotics & Automation - Security Programs - Security Risk Analysis - Six Sigma Methods - Supplier Quality Management - Supply Chain Management - Total Quality - TQ - Total Quality Control - Total Quality Management - Transportation & Logistics
Pure Science Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of science provide a concise and logical presentation of the concepts and principles of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
The online continuing education courses of science provide a concise and logical presentation of the concepts and principles of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The online continuing education courses of science also address fascinating topics such as astronomy, principles of statistics and probability, and the application of mathematics as a fundamental tool for engineers and scientists. The online continuing education courses of science also explore our physical environment through the study of geology and Earth Sciences.
Pure Science Courses:
Analytical Chemistry - Applied Mathematics - Applied Statistics - Astronomy - Astrophysics - Atmospheric Science - Biochemistry - Chemical Process Dynamics & Control - Chemical Process Systems - Chemistry - Climatology - Cosmology - Crystallography - Differential Equations - Electromagnetic Propagation - Electronic Properties of Materials - Geology - Inorganic Chemistry - Linear Algebra - Marine Science - Materials Behavior - Materials Composites - Materials Design & Failure - Mathematics - Mechanics: Dynamics - Mechanics: Statics - Meteorology - Mineralogy - Modern Physics - Numerical Analysis - Numerical Optimization - Optical Alteration - Optical Instruments - Optical Lenses - Optical Systems - Optics - Petrology & Petrography - Physics - Planetary Systems - Polymer Science - Probability - Properties of Materials - Relativity - Rock & Fluid Properties - Spectroscopy - Stars Observation - Statistical Methods - Statistics - Stellar Systems - The Universe - Transport & Fluid Mechanics - Volcanism & Earthquakes - Weather & Climate - Weather Analysis & Forecasting
Agriculture Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of agriculture focus on the practice of sustainable agriculture, and design alternative for the improvement of agricultural and animal production systems and technologies.
The online continuing education courses of agriculture deal with topics that vary from plants physiology to ecology, development, genetics, and biotechnology. The online continuing education courses of agriculture also consider the properties of soils and the mechanics of cultivation, conservation, and construction. Finally, the online continuing education courses of agriculture study animal sciences: species, nutrition, food, digestion, genetics, reproduction, diseases, and behaviors. These courses integrate psychological and biological approaches to animal behavior and the complexity of the relationships between humans and animals.
Agriculture Courses:
Agricultural Biotechnology - Agricultural Engineering - Agriculture Machinery - Agriculture Production - Agriculture Science - Agrostology - Anatomy of Vertebrates - Animal Behavior - Animal Breeding - Animal Ethology - Animal Reproduction - Animal Science - Bioprocessing of Byproducts - Biosystems Engineering - Bird & Mammal Conservation - Botany & Plant Science - Coastal & Marine Ecosystems - Dendrology - Diversity in Animals - Domestic Animals - Drainage & Irrigation - Farm Management - Forest Ecosystem Management - Forestry - Horticulture - Hydrology - Ichthyology - Industrial Microbiology - Livestock Industry - Plant Health Management - Plant Pathology - Plants Biodiversity - Range Management - Soil Fertility - Soil Improvement - Soil Morphology - Soil Science - Sustainable Agriculture - Vertebrates - Watershed & Fisheries Management - Wood Design & Construction - Wood Products - Wood Properties - Wood Science
Biology Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of biology address the basic concepts of biology and biochemistry while offering a comprehensive picture of life through evolution.
These online continuing education courses of biology stress particularly on human biology and explore topics such as biochemistry, cell physiology, vital body organs, reproduction, genetic principles, and anatomy. The online continuing education courses of biology also provide a good understanding of Microbiology and Immunology and their underlying clinical concepts; virology and infection, and the importance of Genetics in addressing problems of neurons, cells, and/or organism. Finally, the online continuing education courses of biology deal with Marine Science, highlighting the principles governing oceans, currents, as well as water and marine life’s composition. In addition, they provide a comprehensive review of the biological principles, genetics, evolution, diversity, and the anatomy and physiology of animals.
Biology Courses:
Animal Biology - Animal Physiology - Biochemical Toxicology - Biological Toxicology - Biology - Biotechnology - Cell Bioenergetics - Cell Biology - Cell Development - Cellular Neurobiology - Genetic Improvement - Genetic Technology - Genetics - Genomics - Human Biology - Invertebrate Animals - Life Science - Macromolecules - Marine Biology - Marine Life - Marine Zoology - Mental Biochemical Balance - Microbiology - Molecular Biology - Molecular Cell Biology - Molecular Gene Control - Molecular Genetics - Mollusks & Insects - Mycology - Mycology & Parasitology - Neurobiochemistry - Neuroethology - Nucleic Acids - Optics & the Human Eye - Phycology - Plants Biology - Plants Physiology - Soil Microbiology - Virology - Virus & Bacteria - Zoology
Natural Health Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of natural health explain how natural therapies combine with nutrition, exercise, herbs, and water to provide self-healing of the body processes.
These online continuing education courses of natural health discuss the scientific principles that underlie the toxic actions of different substances and their interaction with our biological systems. The online continuing education courses of natural health teach traditional systems of natural medicines for combating organic imbalances, restoring health, and curing diseases. Examples include the Ayurveda from India, TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, and iridology as preventive diagnostic methods. The online continuing education courses of natural health emphasize the effects of physical activity and motor skills on promoting health and well-being. They discuss Kinesiology and sports training in all its facets.
Natural Health Courses:
Applied Kinesiology - Ayurvedic Medicine - Biochemical Organic Balance - Biomechanics - Botanical Materia Medica - Clinical Homeopathy - Clinical Naturopathy - Herbs Psychopharmacology - Homeopathic Law of Similars - Homeopathic Materia Medica - Homeopathic Medicine - Homeopathic Repertory Studies - Homeopathy - Human Anatomy & Physiology - Human Pathology - Immunology - Iridology - Iridology Diagnosis - Kinesiology - Manual Therapy & Massage - Meridians Anatomy - Natural Health Science - Natural Medicine - Pharmacology & Toxicology - Physiology of Exercise - Psychosomatic Therapy - Sport Aids - Sport Injuries - Sport Management - TCM Diagnosis - TCM Internal Medicine - TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine - Vibrational Medicine
Nutrition Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of nutrition provide therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treatment of many diseases and disorders.
Health and well-being depend on nutrition to provide nutrients crucial to maintain the biochemical harmony of the body. Each illness, symptom, and pain indicates a biochemical imbalance in the body. The online continuing education courses of nutrition also study food science; preparation processes, packaging, distribution, and final product storage.
Nutrition Courses:
Animal Nutrition - Colon Therapy - Diets & Fasting - Digestion & Metabolism - Food Additives - Food Biotechnology - Food Chemistry - Food Preservation - Food Processing - Food Production Quality - Food Science - Holistic Nutrition - Human Nutrition - Lipids & Fats - Maternal & Infant Nutrition - Nutrition & Chronic Disease - Nutrition in Acute Care - Nutrition in Aging - Nutrition Therapy - Nutritional Anthropology - Nutritional Intervention - Oligotherapy - Orthomolecular & Scientific Nutrition - Proteins & Carbohydrates - Range Nutrition Techniques - Vitamins & Minerals
Psychology Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of psychology emphasize the connection between the mind, body, and spirit, and their effects on behavior.
The online continuing education courses of psychology help to solve mental problems by uniting biology, psychology, and neuroscience to counseling, diagnose, and treat different population groups namely children, adolescents, adults, elders, families, and disabled persons. The online continuing education courses of psychology explore the application of organizational and industrial psychology in people’s everyday life; including consumers, employees, candidates for new posts, and/ or examined subjects. These courses focus on the training of leaders and the secrets for successful leadership, providing tools such as coaching and neuro-linguistic programming NLP. Finally, the online continuing education courses of psychology emphasize the connection between the mind, body, and spirit, and their effects on behavior. They provide an integrated approach for life training, well-being, leadership, and success in general.
Psychology Courses:
Alcohol & Drug Counseling - Animal Human Bond - Biological Psychology - Causes of Mental Disorders - Child & Adolescent Counseling - Clinical Psychology - Cognitive Ethology - Cognitive Neuroscience - Cognitive Psychology - Counseling Psychology - Crisis Counseling - Developmental Neurobiology - Developmental Psychology - Drug Addictions - Extrasensory Deceits - Extrasensory Experiences - Extrasensory Perception - General Psychology - Gestalt Dialogue - Gestalt Nature of Change - Gestalt Present Awareness - Gestalt Therapy - Human Sexuality - Hypnosis & Suggestion - Marriage & Family Counseling - Marriage & Family Relations - Neural & Brain Science - NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP Transformation - Organizational Psychology - Parapsychology - Psychic Communication - Psychology of Language - Psychology of Perception - Psychology of Personality - Psychopathology - Psychopharmacology - Psychophysiology - Representational Systems - Sexology / Sex Therapy - Sexual Attitude Restructuring - Sexual Behavior - Sexual Pleasure Education - Systems Neuroscience - Thanatology Death Studies - Transpersonal Psychology - Understanding Disease
Therapies Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of therapies study the effects of a wide variety of natural therapies on promoting the body’s self-healing.
The online continuing education courses of therapies study the effects of a wide variety of natural therapies on promoting the body’s self-healing. They also explore the connections between the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of diseases and provide recommendations for curing. The online continuing education courses of therapies explore topics such as herbology defined as the therapy using herbs and plants; as well as phytotherapy; hypnotherapy; therapies of natural health through water, herbs, massage, exercise, and nutrition; and psychotherapy that teaches how to listen and participate in solving psychological problems using various perspectives supported by herbs, homeopathy, and flower remedies. These courses also investigate healing energy and the treatment of the subtle energy fields that structure human beings, as well as animal-assisted therapy. The online continuing education courses of therapies discuss tools available to reduce or even stop clock's age and keep people young, in addition to current techniques of anti-aging therapy.
Therapies Courses:
Acupoints & Acupressure - Animal Assisted Therapy - Anti-Aging Therapy - Aromatherapy - Art Therapy - Bioenergetic Therapy - Case Taking & Analysis - Chinese Herbology - Color Therapy - E-Motion Therapy - Emotional Homeopathic Treatments - Energy Healing - Flower Essences Therapy - Gestalt Psychotherapy - Herbology & Phytotherapy - Holistic Integral Therapy - Human Animal Support Services - Hydrotherapy - Hypnotherapy - Illness Awareness & Lifecycle - Massage Techniques - Medicinal Plants - Mental Homeopathic Treatments - Music Therapy - Natural Psycho-Medication - NLP Therapy - Nutritional Assessment - Physical Therapy - Psychoanalysis - Psychosomatic Connection - Psychotherapeutic Strategies - Psychotherapy - Quantum Healing Therapy - Regenerative Cellular Therapy - Sensory Therapy - Therapeutic Physiology - Therapeutic Practice - Therapeutic Trance States - Touch & Palpation - Toxicological Pathology - Treatment of Addictions
Wellness Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of wellness offer a holistic approach to manage and improve human’s well-being and health.
The online continuing education courses of wellness explore the personal and social aspects involved in knowing ourselves and our goals and in controlling our lives and social contribution. The online continuing education courses of wellness portray the secrets of natural beauty skincare and the art of using volatile plant oils, both externally and internally. They investigate the principles of preventive health care, healing, beauty, and relaxation; and explain the physical and psychological aspects of both Western and Oriental massage approaches. The online continuing education courses of wellness underlie a philosophy by itself, because a senseless life is hard to cope with. These courses teach how yoga can be used to optimize body and spirit recovery and pinpoint the influence of energy fields and spiritual matters on those people who seek to reach their full potential and be happy and healthy.
Wellness Courses:
Addictive Behavior - Aromatherapy Massage - Ayurveda - Science of Life - Emotional Intelligence - Energy: Beyond the Physical Self - Essential Oils - Fitness Training - Healing Practices & Rituals - Human Body & Mind - Human Consciousness - Human Development - Mind, Body & Spirit - Monitoring Exercise - Movement & Meditation - Movement & Physical Development - Natural Beauty & Cosmetics - Natural Beauty Treatments - Natural Cosmetology - Natural Facial Treatments - Natural Perfumes - Performance Psychology - Physical Activity & Wellness - Physical Conditioning - Principles of Yoga - Qi Energy Development - Senses Awareness & Development - Soul Therapy - Spiritual Healing - Spiritual Wellness - Sports Coaching - Sports Training - States of Consciousness - Therapeutic Exercise - Wellness & Health - Yoga Therapy
Public Health Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of health deeply explore the world of public health and hospital management.
These online continuing education courses of health provide all the knowledge and tools required by the managers to cope with nowadays constantly changing and highly technological environment. These managers need a solid theoretical basis in the principles of management, technology, as well as the legal and ethical issues allowing them to offer competitive and economical health care. The online continuing education courses of health also teach public administration and the theories behind organizations, staff composition, financial management, administrative responsibility, and international administrations.
Public Health Courses:
Comparative Public Policy - Drinking Water & Health - Environmental Policies - Epidemiology - Food Policy & Safety - Gerontology Health Policy - Health Care Administration - Health Practice Management - Health Program Planning - Health Services Management - Health Technology - Hospital Management - Human Rights Policy - Hygiene & Safety - Infectious Diseases - International Health Systems - International Public Law - Long Term Care - Public Administration - Public Affairs - Public Health - Public Health Nutrition - Public Personnel Administration - Public Policy - Urban Policy - Women & Children Health Policy
Art Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of art study art from its origins in the primitive caves up to the experimental contemporary art of today.
The online continuing education courses of art investigate the world's culture and artistic traditions in an attempt to set a logical order to the myriad of names, periods, and styles of art through time and space. These courses present art as a continuous and constantly changing interweaving of cultures. In these latter, each artistic work is anchored in the past and points to the future. It is considered as a chain that link our present to the pyramids’ epoch. The online continuing education courses of art also review on-stage artistic forms of expression, namely films, television, theater, music, dance, and visual arts. They explore the ways in which performing arts reflect the social, political, and religious aspects of various cultures and civilizations. Finally, the online continuing education courses of art philosophically review the processes of creation and artistic design, discuss the impact of art in daily life, and evaluate various styles, approaches, and interpretations of artistic design. These courses investigate the major problems that face artistic designers, such as the idea of talent, the personality of the artist, and the creative blocks. In addition, they provide all the creative and inspirational tools needed as resources for artistic designers.
Art Courses:
Advertising Creativity - Architecture Design - Art & Philosophy - Art & Religion - Art Direction - Art History - Artistic Design - Chinese & Japanese Art - Classic Art & Architecture - Contemporary Art - Copy, Layout & Design - Creativity - Decorative Elements - From Baroque to Romanticism - Gothic Art & The Renaissance - Interior Design - Interior Design Resources & Materials - Logo & Packaging Design - Medieval & Byzantine Art - Multimedia Design - Narrative Development - Performing Arts - Performing Music & Dance - Realism & Impressionism - Residential Design - The Art of War - Visual & Graphic Design - Visual Arts - Writing Fundamentals & Style - XXth Century Art
Culture Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of culture explain how archaeology, ethnology, as well as physical and linguistic anthropology are combined to provide a broad understanding of humanity.
These online continuing education courses of culture illustrate both the worldwide diversity and cultural patterns of the human society. These are considered the essence, which make human beings fundamentally equal. The online continuing education courses of culture focus on the study of universal history and culture. They emphasize the experiences and the political evolution of various countries and the interaction between society and the philosophy of each epoch. Our lives today are highly influenced by our past. Understanding this past is the best way to understand the reasons that led humanity to achieve both the wonderful and terrible things it did. Learning from ancient mistakes will show us how to solve today's problems. These online continuing education courses of culture are also designed to enhance the knowledge and understanding of literature from different cultural approaches.
Culture Courses:
American History - American Literature - Ancient Civilizations - Ancient History - Anthropology - Archaeological Analysis: Ceramics - Archaeological Analysis: Faunal Remains - Archaeological Analysis: Soil & Stone - Archaeological Field Research - Archaeological Research - Archaeology - Archaeology: Human Origins - Civilization & Culture - Comparative Historical Analysis - Comparative Literature - Contemporary English Literature - Cultural Anthropology - Cultural Resources Management - Early English Literature - English Literature - Folk Societies & Lifestyles - History of the Far East - History of the Middle East - History of Wars - Human Evolution - Languages of the World - Literature & Culture - Literature: Forms, Genres, History - Mediterranean, Greeks & Romans - Museum Collection Management - Museum Conservation & Curation - Museum Exhibitions & Operations - Museum Legal & Ethical Issues - Museum Management & Museology - Museum Specimen Documentation - Paramount Literature Works - Paramount Literature Writers - Physical Anthropology - Prehistory: Human Ancestors - Prehistory: Migrations & Cultures - Revolutions, Wars & Colonialism - Society, Family & Marriage - The Dark & Middle Ages - The English Language - The Modern & Industrial Ages - The Renaissance & The Baroque - Theory of Drama & Comedy - Translation & Interpretation - World Cultures
Education Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of education examine three fundamental questions about teaching: 'how', "what", and "why". A solid understanding of pedagogy (literally the science of teaching) is essential to every trainer to deliver outstanding education.
The online continuing education courses of education explore a number of questions: what is understanding and how it differs from knowledge? What is needed for students to understand new concepts? What do we expect to achieve? What type of knowledge deserves to be learned permanently? How can we differentiate students who truly understand? How is knowledge applied effectively? How to design courses that guarantee understanding? The online continuing education courses of education create a bridge between nursery school and first education, as well as preschool and primary education programs. These courses present a comprehensive overview of effective and practical development of children by answering essential questions related to these topics such as what, how, and why. The online continuing education courses of education address all aspect of adaptation related to age, individual, society, and culture. Finally, the online continuing education courses of education offer strategies of integrating available resources with technologically advanced education methodologies as well as culture, diversity, and change in order to produce sound educational programs, effective strategies for teaching, and successful supervision of training processes.
Education Courses:
Academic Affairs - Applied Educational Technologies - Bilingual Education - Child Development: Language, Math & Science - Child Education: Family - Child Education: Learning - Child Observation & Guidance - Childhood Education - Children Education Programs - Children with Special Needs - Classroom & Teaching Strategies - Classroom Technology - Cognitive Development - Design of Learning Systems - Disabilities & Assistive Technology - Early Child Care - Education & Pedagogy - Educational Administration - Educational Budget & Finance - Educational Law & Ethics - Educational Planning - Educational Psychology - Educational Technology - ELT English Language Teaching - Gifted & Talented Children - Grammar & Morphology - Language Acquisition - Learning & Memory Development - Linguistics - Methods of Evaluation - Modern Linguistics - Multilingual Children - Perception & Knowledge - Phonetics & Phonology - Special Education - Student Activities - Syntax & Semantics - Training Programs
International Relations Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of international relations investigate the complexities and the processes involved in the relationships between institutions; at international levels.
The online continuing education courses of international relations address the key issue to understand international environments namely the legal, historical, socio-economic, and political factors. The online continuing education courses of international relations also discuss the importance of international laws in the resolution of disputes and conflicts in countries’ foreign policies and international economic transactions. The online continuing education courses of international relations are considered the foundation of contemporary international business. International trade is an essential component of today's economy. The online continuing education courses of international relations provide an updated guide on the interweaving set of regulations and procedures crucial to every importer and/or exporter. Examples include documentation for shipping, packing, billing, insurance, loans, payments, etc.
International Relations Courses:
Comparative Politics: Middle East - Comparative Politics: The Far East - Comparative Politics: The West - Contemporary World History - Diplomacy - Diplomatic Relations - East-West International Relations - Geopolitics - Geostrategy - Global Political Economy - Institutional Relations - International Business Law - International Conflict Resolution - International Crime & Security - International Environmental Law - International Law - International Legal Procedures - International Protocol & Etiquette - International Relations - Military Strategy - Peace Studies - Remote Sensing Systems - Terrorism - The UN & International Organizations - Third World & Developing Nations - Trade Marks & Intellectual Rights - War Tactical Intelligence - World Geography - World Politics & Globalization
Communication and Media Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of communication and media discuss the permanent changes that affect the audiovisual communication industry along with the new approaches in the theory of mass communication.
The online continuing education courses of communication and media explore the key elements of the creation and production of messages in the radio, television, cinema, Internet, and multimedia. The online continuing education courses of communication and media also study journalism as a vital part of mass communication that provide a large number of people with updated information about daily events that affect their public and private lives; both at local and international levels. Advertising form another essential part of these online continuing education courses of communication and media. A good advertising begins in the understanding of the target audience and the recognition of their needs.
Communication and Media Courses:
Audiovisual Communication - Broadcast Management - Broadcasting - Cinema Language - Cinematography - Creative Writing - CSR Corporate Social Responsibility - Digital Media Production - Digital Production - Directing Actors - Film Direction - Film Production - Investigative Journalism - Journalism - Linear & Non Linear Editing - Media Influence - Movie Budget & Planning - Multimedia Communications - News Writing & Reporting - Radio Broadcasting & Operation - Scene Analysis - Script & Screen Writing - Staging & Choreography - Television Production & Directing - The Communication Process - Writing for Television & Radio
Philosophy Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of philosophy study the fundamental issues needed to understand nature and humans stands in it.
The importance of studying philosophy lies in the habits of thought that instills, in the open-mindedness that fosters, and in the perspectives that it gives us about ourselves, our activities, and our coexistence with others. The online continuing education courses of philosophy provide us with a unique opportunity to improve our analytical capabilities, criticism, and overall understanding. In addition, philosophy empowers us with the ability to express ourselves clearly, formulate, and respond to arguments verbally and/or literally. Since our life is highly affected by what happens in other cultures, their thoughts, and beliefs; it is better to understand others to enhance our capacity to achieve a safer, more productive, and more vigilant community. The online continuing education courses of philosophy allow students to gain a transcendent sense of life and a meticulous analysis of religion, mythology, customs, beliefs, and worldwide rituals. In addition, these courses discuss the processes that define human existence, namely birth, death, conflict, loss, reconciliation, and seasons’ cycle.
Philosophy Courses:
Catholicism & The Christian Church - Christianism & The New Testament - Comparative Religion - Contemporary Religious Thought - Esoteric Traditions - Hinduism & Buddhism - Indian Philosophies - Islamic Tradition & Fundamentalism - Judaism & The Old Testament - Metaphysics - Mythology - Occultism - Philosophic Trends - Philosophy & Critical Thinking - Philosophy of Ethics & Law - Philosophy of Language - Philosophy of Mind - Philosophy of Religion - Philosophy of Science - Religion - Religions in America - Religions of China & Japan - The Search for Meaning - Theory of Knowledge - World Myths & Beliefs
Social Science Courses Online via distance learning
The online continuing education courses of social science study emotional and behavioral problems that are essentially social in nature.
The online continuing education courses of social science study human society and its key structures such as family, religion, education, science, technology, economy, and political institutions. These online continuing education courses of social science highlight the effects of novel ideas and clinical experiences on the practice of social work. They examine various therapeutic approaches including psychology, seizure treatment, patient-focused theories, transactional analysis, systems theory, social work objectives, and the neuro-linguistic. These courses empower students with the skills and knowledge crucial for an efficient and comprehensive social work; one that integrates the latest theoretical developments in the field. The online continuing education courses of social science also discuss the history and methods of political science including their key ideologies and their different perspectives. These sociological aspects are rooted in the development and evolution of communities and societies. These courses explore ways to deal with the economic, health, and social problems from various social and intercultural perspectives. Finally, the online continuing education courses of social science examine legal, political, and moral issues at national and international levels in an attempt to identify the ideological and political motivations that underlie both global and regional regimes, as well as human rights organizations.
Social Science Courses:
Analysis of Social Problems - Community & Social Development - Comparative Human Rights Law - Crime Law and Prevention - Crime Scene & Evidence - Crime Victims - Criminal Behavior - Criminal Investigation - Criminal Justice - Criminology - Cross Cultural Social Perspectives - Delinquency & Violence - Ethics & Social Responsibility - Fraud & Corporate Crime - Housing & Community Facilities - Human Animal Studies - Human Ethology - Human Rights - Human Rights & Public Institutions - Multicultural Diversity - Nonprofit Global Organizations - NGOs - Organized Crime - Personality & Social Development - Political Science - Political Sociology - Political Theory - Protection of Human Rights - Qualitative Social Research - Social Activities & Relations - Social Class & Stratification - Social Control & Intervention - Social Counseling - Social Problems & Deviance - Social Psychology - Social Welfare - Social Work - Social Work Practice - Sociology
Course Online - Continuing Education