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 How to do the project or thesis?

Online Learning for Adults & Professionals.

Tips for effective home study.


How to do the project or thesis?


The distance learning higher education at Bircham International University emphasizes the quality of learning rather than its quantity. It draws its concept from real-life experiences and content-specific material, avoiding superfluous details.


How to do the project or thesis?





In order to complete your home study degree syllabus, you are required to submit the following:

* One final project of at least 50 pages for the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.
* One thesis of at least 75 pages for the Doctorate program.


* By email (or regular mail).
One copy of your research work has to be submitted to the Bircham International University office. This copy may be forwarded by email as a PDF file, or sent by regular mail. Electronic copy is preferred, and it is much faster to process.

* Sealed hard copy of your work.
If you wish to received a sealed hard copy of your work, you should submit an additional hard copy. BIU will stamp this copy and ship it back to your address.

Research paper will not be accepted if it does not fulfill the requirements set below.


Each country and school has its own preferences in regards to research work formatting and presentation. Bircham International University accepts any of those standard formats provided the fact that the following general instructions are also met.

* Paper must be typed in English, unless other language has been previously authorized.
* White standard-size paper (A4 or US Letter) and on one side of the page only, except when a publication is accepted as equivalent.
* Any font size ranging 10 to 14 for the body of the paper. Headings and subtitles do not have any format restrictions.


This first page should contain the title of the project or thesis, the student's first and last name, the name of the program, and the date. The student's signature and the following statement must follow the above mentioned information: "I do hereby attest that I am the sole author of this project/thesis and that its contents are only the result of the readings and research I have done".


Following the front page, you need to include the table of contents. Pages, parts, chapters, etc... should be numbered and clearly referred to this index.


A complete list of the bibliographic material used along the research work, including books, journal articles, conference papers, online references, etc... Bibliography may be displayed at the beginning or the end of the paper. BIU accepts different formats to reference content to the bibliography: footnotes, chapter breakdown, generic bibliography... Use the one that best suits your research needs.


Following the table of contents, you need to include a synopsis ranging one to three pages providing a brief explanation of the content and the objectives of the research.


You are free to choose the title and content of your project or thesis, provided the fact that it is clearly consistent with the major of study. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore in depth the topics that interest you, both personally and professionally. Once you have reached your decision, you may submit a one to three pages proposal, containing a synopsis of your project/ thesis and the title of the paper for pre-approval. This preliminary procedure is optional, since all submissions will be approved as long as they are directly related to the specialization.


Here is where you should develop the core content of the research. The information contained in this part must be organized. Use the structure that you prefer: chapters, sections, parts, case studies... This structure is to be reflected in the table of contents. All pages must be numbered.


As part of your discussion, you can include graphs, photographs, drawings, charts, photocopies of articles, and/or any other material you consider relevant. Annex material will not be accounted as part of the content. In other words, a research work requiring 50 pages, actually requires 50 pages of content, excluding annex and appendix material.


The body of the project or thesis should fulfill the minimum length requirement. We suggest not exceeding 200 pages. Please note that the quality of content is more important than its quantity.


With prior approval from Bircham International University, you may also submit published material, such as books, journal or magazine article compilations, etc. Of course, these items do not need to fulfill the above format requirements; they can be submitted to BIU in their original published format. Bircham International University requires that you submit one electronic copy of each publication. An additional physical copy will also be appreciated for the BIU library.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with your home study.


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